Addilyn Capelet Tips

Below are some of the techniques used in my Addilyn Capelet design:
Long-Tail Cast-On:
I love using the thumb method of this cast-on. Click here to view my YouTube video on this technique.
Drop Stitch Pattern:
In this stitch pattern, you work a series of YO’s (yarn-over’s) on one round, and then on the next round you let those YO’s slide off the needle. Click here to view my photo tutorial of this technique.
A YO-inc is created by working a series of YO’s (yarn-over’s) on one round (similar to the above drop stitch pattern), and then on the next round, when you encounter these YO’s, you either knit or purl them through the back loop. To see how to YO, you can view the photo tutorial in the above link for the Drop Stitch pattern.
For a visual of how to knit through the back loop, check out my video tutorial here.
For a visual of how to purl through the back loop, check out this tutorial from VeryPink Knits.