Study Buddy Mitts – Picking Up Cast-On Edge
In the Finishing section of Study Buddy Mitts, you’ll first be instructed to pick up and knit your cast-on edge stitches using the long tail you had left during cast-on as your ‘working yarn’. Look at your cast-on edge and you’ll notice each stitch looks like a “v” shape. You’ll be picking up into the right leg of each of these “v”‘s.

1. Insert needle into right leg of first cast-on stitch

2. Wrap yarn around needle and knit the stitch.

3. First cast-on stitch has been picked up and knit!

4. Insert needle into next cast-on stitch (right leg of “v”), using your left hand as the guide.

5. Just like first stitch, wrap yarn around needle and knit this picked up stitch.

6. Continue in this manner, picking up each cast-on edge stitch until only 2 remain.

7. The last 2 stitches should be from your icord edge – these will be treated differently (pick up & purl instead of knit).

8. Easiest way to pick up & purl is to use a DPN (or small needle) – insert it into bottom of first icord edge stitch from bottom to top.

9. Then insert right needle into the stitch purlwise and purl the stitch.

10. Repeat steps 8-9 for the last icord edge stitch.

11. All cast-on stitches have now been picked up.