One of the most popular types of knitting increases is the “m1” (make 1). It’s a type of knitting increase where you create a new stitch in-between 2 existing stitches. You’ll find…

If you’ve ever had to ‘frog’ a project (i.e, rip it out) after it’s already been blocked, then your yarn doesn’t quite look the same, does it?! It gets crimped/kinky, and if…

A question I am often asked is “Why is the first row after cast-on sometimes considered a right side (RS) row and sometimes considered a wrong side (WS) row (when knitting flat)?”…

My Raincheck vest has been a popular little layering piece, but one question I often get it how to avoid the curling edges. The edges in Raincheck are raw, i.e, there is…

In this post I’m going to talk about why it’s often recommended to alternate skeins when working with hand-dyed yarn, either by blending/fading or by alternating skeins throughout the project. I’ll also…