If you’ve looked through my design collection it should be no surprise that I love creating layering pieces! And just because it’s summer doesn’t mean you can’t still layer – you just…

Here’s the Azul cotton tee, knit up in DK-weight 100% cotton yarn. It’s all about simplicity with this piece, with a few little details to keep things interesting. I’ve outlined some of…

My capo design as a tunic? Yes, please! Here’s my original Capo: And here’s a tunic version (which also has some fun color blocking going on too!): I can’t take credit for…

I posted the below photo on Instagram as part of the Fashion Revolution Week and #whomademyclothes campaign. I recently made my first purchase from the Michigan-based clothing company Conscious Clothing. I learned…

In honor of the “official” beginning of the spring season (although you’d never guess it by looking at my snow-filled backyard…), last week I released my latest pattern, Jessie’s Girl: I’m excited…